
The Uganda Telecom (UTL) has signed an internet capacity partnership agreement with the West Indian Ocean Cable Company (WIOCC), a move that aims to increase an easy access to higher data capacity and faster internet speed for the citizens in Uganda at an affordable rate

According to Otaremwa Otuhumurize, telecommunication manager at UTL, through this partnership the company targets the reduction of the cost of internet to around US$100 per Mbps from the current US$300 per Mbps in Uganda.

Apart from this, UTL is further expected to receive 7.5 Gbps internet connectivity on competitive commercial terms, said the company. Both the companies agreed that the deal will help the country in meeting major short-term goal in boosting internet accessibility.

UTL said that it will carry out additional network capacity upgrades aiming to meet an increase in demand.

“Working with WIOCC in this way gives UTL the ability to implement significant improvements in price, quality and quantity of internet in the country,” said Otuhumurize.

According to him, one of the major current challenges in internet in Uganda is how to extend affordable connectivity to the people.

The partnership is seen to assist in meeting this challenge, as well as boosting the company’s ability to deliver high-capacity mobile broadband via microwave radio, copper and fibre-optic network infrastructure, he added.

Speaking to the press, he further explained that UTL will focuses on providing service to corporate companies, small scale enterprises as well as to the individuals in near future.

James Wekesa, chief commercial officer at WIOCC, said that the company will support UTL regarding its transmission backhaul between Mombasa and Kampala.

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