
Nine out of ten account holders in Kenya prefer to contact their banks through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, a new survey revealed

Conducted by the Kenya Bankers Association (KBA), the survey shows that Kenyans are moving away from other modes of communications such a short message service (SMS) alerts, email and postal mail.

Currently, at least 19 out of around 50 banks have social media presences mainly on Facebook and Twitter.

“It is impressive that banks are leveraging on the proliferation of smartphones and development of ICT to engage their customers. Banks are increasingly using the Web to convey product and marketing information, company news, industry news, and to respond to customer complaints,” observed Habil Olaka, KBA chief executive officer, during a media briefing in Nairobi.

According to Olaka, customers are quickly raising their issues through social media making the sites important avenues for the banks to build relationships with their customers.

The platforms have also allowed the banks to inform and educate their customers on any new products and services. 

Mwangi Mumero

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