
Sanda Djambo, head of corporate responsibility at Safaricom, spoke recently at the companys offices in Nairobi, Kenya, on the development of sustainable initiatives designed to deliver the transformation of lives through the adoption and use of its network and services

The movement of money through M-Pesa - an inclusive approach to mobile finance - delivers transformation, in the form of tangible support for the financing of social activities, community engagement and business practices. It remains a highly adaptable and extensible method for payment of funds at distance and in remote locations.

It remains a creditable and practical method for money transfer domestically and internationally. Allied to this is Safaricom's use of the M-Pesa network to build capacity for agriculture, for education, for health, for sustainable energy supply and use, for the legal system, and many other areas of need in the country, within the region, and across the continent.

Safaricom engages, to achieve its commitment towards social responsibility, with non-governmental organisations such as the United Nations and USAID, and multinational enterprises such as Cisco.

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