
The National Assembly House Chairperson for Committees, Cedric Frolick, handed over the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment to three safe homes centres for abused women and children

The beneficiary centres are Saartjie Baartman that caters for survivors of women and child abuse; St Anne’s Home that cares for and empowers destitute and abused mothers and their children and Ons Plek that provides specialised developmental and therapeutic services to women who live, work and beg on the streets of Cape Town.

Frolick noted that the handover marks the efforts of the Parliament to be the legacy of Nelson Mandela, whose centenary is being celebrated this year by South Africa, Africa and the whole world.

The representatives from the centres have expressed their gratitude to the Parliament for the donation of 10 computers with printers and laptops to each one of the safe homes. They pledge, among other things, to set up computer skills for in-house and community-based women and children, to empower women and children to be able to fight gender-based violence while also supporting young women who pursue their studies beyond school grades.

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