
Smile Telecoms has extended its partnership agreement with Alcatel-Lucent, which will continue to serve as Smile’s only LTE network provider in Tanzania, Uganda and DR Congo

Alcatel-Lucent will provide design, build and operate services for Smile’s nationwide LTE networks as part of the five-year partnership.

According to the agreement, the services will include ADSL-type connectivity for businesses and homes, as well as full mobile broadband, at speeds up to 20Mbs.

Alcatel-Lucent Africa vice-president, Daniel Jaeger, said, “We are very pleased to partner with Smile to extend its 4G LTE services in Africa. With the delivery of new in-demand services, Alcatel-Lucent’s LTE solution will allow Smile to grow its business and, at the same time, develop mobile broadband further in this economically burgeoning region.”

He added that earlier this year, Smile was nammed the first network and services operator to deploy a true commercial 800Mhz LTE network in Africa.

Jaeger informed, “Our networks in Tanzania and Uganda have out-performed our initial expectations. We have proven the technology and tested the business model. Based on our results, the time has come to shift from testing to doing. Smile will be in a position to roll out nationwide coverage of full 800Mhz LTE services in all three of our markets within three years.”

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