
BeammWave’s world-first demo of distributed digital beamforming reshapes 5G and beyond, proving a groundbreaking solution for mmWave tech. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Swedish company BeammWave has solidified its leadership in digital beamforming with the world's first demonstration of distributed digital beamforming

This demonstration, initially presented to customers earlier this summer, has now been integrated into the BeammWave Advanced Development Platform (ADP1). BeammWave asserts that this milestone not only validates the BeammWave concept but also addresses the technical challenges and slow adoption of mmWave technology in 5G.

Per-Olof Brandt, co-founder and cheif technical officer of BeammWave, explained, “We defined this concept back in 2013 and then also defined what design criteria that needed to be met for the concept to be viable for high-volume smartphones. We have since proved first through simulations, then on component level and now we have shown it in Over-The-Air system setup using 5G modulated data.”

Stefan Svedberg, CEO of BeammWave, added, “This is a game changer not only for 5G, but it will also have an impact on how higher frequency spectrum can be used in future generations like 6G and how it can drive the new use cases that everyone has been waiting for.”

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