
Coleman Technical Industries Limited has planned to set up a technical partnership with MTN Nigeria for the supply of fibre cables for its various projects

A letter signed by CEO/managing director George Onafowokan and GM, sales and marketing of Coleman, Sheyi Adebayo mentioned the partnership.

The letter said, “In line with the federal government and Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) drive to have a localised fibre optic manufacturer in the country, Coleman has embarked on this project. The commercial production of fibre optic cables will start from January 2022, providing fibre optic cables in 48, 96,144 up to 288 fibres in country. This plant and the technical know-how are being done in partnership with the largest fibre optic producer in the world Corning Inc., the biggest and largest producers of fibre in the world.”

The letter added that the partnership between Coleman and Corning will ensure the highest quality standard for all fibre optic cable products from Coleman’s factory, while ensuring that extremely competitive prices are maintained, due to the localisation of production in the country.

“More than US$1mn has been invested in testing equipment to ensure that first-class quality is delivered to our customer. At least 80% of our machines have been delivered at the factory and are ready for production,” it read.

The company said it would be grateful if MTN can send them their fibre optic cable specification to which it is willing to sign an NDA with MTN if required.

“Furthermore, we are also exploring the opportunity to provide certain required accessories such as patch cords, splice closures and pigtails, which we believe are necessary items to the value chain required for fibre cable users,” the company said.

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