
There is often a great deal of trepidation experienced by companies when considering the move to the licensed wireless spectrum, writes product specialist at wireless IP convergence company MiRO, Jan Keyser

Jan Keyser believes that given the right conditions and by aligning oneself with a service provider that does not merely sell boxes, but rather solutions, companies will gain distinct benefits from acquiring a wireless license.
As the demand for greater bandwidth increases due to the current trend to move more business and entertainment applications to the cloud, there is a need to evaluate whether one should stay with license-exempt wireless solutions or to take the plunge and go the licensed route. 
One of the biggest problems currently facing the license-exempt wireless spectrum is the congestion that occurs in high-density population areas. As the number of users increase, the interference increases, the capacity decreases and the throughput is negatively affected. For internet service providers (ISPs) this can have a detrimental effect on their customers’ business operations. 
Making use of the licensed spectrum brings to hand the benefits of dedicated, uncontended bandwidth, allowing service providers to provide reliable, fast and guaranteed services! The licensed spectrum creates the opportunity to use less hardware at a more effective rate, increasing ROI and network stability.
ISPs and other companies who are considering the transition into the licensed wireless spectrum are often concerned with the costs involved and the paperwork required. Add to this their uncertainty about the correct hardware and software for maximum benefit, and panic can quickly set in. 
Here’s where an experienced hardware/software supplier can add value to the transition. Partnership with a reputable supplier like MiRO provides access to solutions from hardware vendors that offer world class solutions along with a sound relationship with the local regulator ICASA.
Tailoring the package to suit current budget and user needs and adding on additional hardware and licenses as demand increases, allows companies to control their expenditure while at the same time ensuring sustainability of both their own as well as their customer’s operations in terms of connectivity.
A supplier who is in regular contact with ICSASA is critical as this allows them to share the knowledge they gain to the benefit of the customer. Since applications are subject to predetermined processes, we have identified the benefit as being able to provide finite direction to our customers in order to avoid the inevitable to-and-fro that can occur when you are a first-time applicant.
A backend analysis is needed to plan the link and this, together with other pertinent information, is critical to a successful application. Since ICASA requires radio planning information, a hardware supplier can make the bureaucratic process simpler by working together with the licensee to present a comprehensive and infallible application that is specific to the customer’s project.
Keyser believes that there will always be a need for license-exempt wireless solutions. However, where service providers wish to ensure that customers will have access to a dedicated high-speed link between two points, with no interference, then it is worth considering the adoption of a licensed wireless spectrum option. In this instance, performance is predictable and guaranteed for ready access to the network, without having to worry about traffic volumes.

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