
Utande, a leading Internet service provider in Zimbabwe, has launched the uMAX broadband service, which has been designed to cater to households and small businesses

The service was unveiled to industry leaders and stakeholders in Harare, earlier this week. It would provide connection quality and true broadband speeds to users.

Dandemutande Investments Group, which focuses on acquiring interests in Southern African companies, has made an initial capital investment of more than US$17 million in the uMAX rollout.

Dandemutande chairman, Joe Mutizwa, said, “The product will complement services that Utande has been offering to the corporate world for the past 15 years.

“The launch follows a six-month long testing phase based on significant network investments made over the past two years,” he added.

uMAX will offer super-fast 1 Mbps connections for all customers, 24-hour customer service support, a network for maximum up time and multiple 'MAX mini-stores' within some of Harare’s leading retail stores and brands.

Dandemutande interim chief executive Mike Weeden said the communication industry was one of Africa's fastest-growing sectors and described the launch of uMAX as an important investment in the Zimbabwean economy.

“There is a significant opportunity in the market for a new service provider, focused on delivering true broadband Internet services and unbeatable customer experiences,” Weeden noted.

“Internet users have not been adequately served by local service providers in this region until now. Our research shows that customers want a better end-to-end experience and we are convinced there is considerable demand for a service provider that can consistently deliver exceptionally fast speeds, unrivalled connection and reliability,” he added.

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