
Airtel Madagascar has launched its mobile 3.75 platform, which promises high-speed mobile broadband and Internet access

The launch will contribute to building the largest 3.75G network across Africa. According to a data collected by McKinsey & Co, there were about 400 million mobile subscribers in Africa, of which 2.5 million were with Airtel Madagascar.

Airtel Madagascar managing director Heiko Schlittke said, "3.75G technology will give our customers the opportunity to interact with data in a completely different way. Airtel doesn’t see 3.75G as a product but as a platform that enables customers to have access to data and the Internet.”

Schlittke added that telecommunications was one of the continent’s fastest-growing industries with a rapidly expanding cellular phone market that included Internet access, mobile banking and mobile commerce.

"We know that access to basic telecommunications services is crucial for economic development. However, these services are not available to all in Madagascar," Schlittke added. 

"Access to telecommunications for populations that are not connected yet will enhance their social, cultural and commercial participation. This 3.75 platform will enable customers to take advantage of the potential of the Internet as well as the mobile phone."

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