
A shift towards hybrid network systems that utilise multiple wireless solutions within the oil and gas industry is taking place, according to a recent report

The Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch (www.marketwatch.com) recently outlined how oil and gas companies are breaking with tradition and deploying multiple communication technologies to create a hybrid communications network that can better serve an organisation's needs. A hybrid approach also has a positive impact on reducing an organisation's investment, operating costs and more.

This innovative approach will form the focal point of the forthcoming Oil & Gas Communications conference, which is taking place from 21st to 22nd March 2012 at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London, UK. The event has been organised by SMi and will be sponsored by ABB, Eutelsat, iDirect, ISN Solutions and Telenor.

The need for oil and gas companies to ensure reliable connectivity to all major human and operational assets is crucial. The conference will address all of the requirements, challenges and emerging communication solutions companies are deploying to mitigate risk and ensure success.

The organiser has said that attendees will: gain essential insight into operator needs within the market; learn about the regulatory risks, social responsibility and environmental compliance for the industry; improve their understanding and reduce operational costs with use of the effective networks and technologies and develop project excellence by utilising a variety of communications in challenging environments.

Those attending the conference will also hear about the latest communications driving the industry via keynote addresses from speakers including Dennis Vause, Infrastructure Operations Manager, Tullow Oil, who will talk about onshore field communication, and Hassan S. Karim, Communications Engineer, Saudi Aramco, who will speak about VSAT-based threat vectors for oil and gas.

For further information about the Oil & Gas Communications conference and a full speaker line-up visit: www.smi-online.co.uk/2012oilandgas-comms.asp

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