
ECI Telecom, which provides of next-generation network solutions, has introduced an end-to-end solution for packet evolution of wireless backhaul networks.

p>ECI Telecom, which provides of next-generation network solutions, has introduced an end-to-end solution for packet evolution of wireless backhaul networks.

WBH_PR_EvolutionAs no two networks are alike, ECI’s 1Net wireless backhaul (WBH) solution offers service providers tailored migration path to next-generation networks whether their optimised path is a Greenfield packet network, an overlay packet infrastructure or by leveraging their existing TDM network.


Highly integrated for backhaul networks
ECI’s 1Net addresses any wireless technology over any medium – fibre, copper and microwave, from TDM to pure packet. ECI offers multiservice across the board, from access to metro-core. Moreover, one R&D organisation ensures common design, inherent interoperability and investment protection. New components include: the 9300 and 9600 Carrier Ethernet Switch Router (CESR) platforms, the BG-Wave advanced packet and hybrid microwave platforms, and the Hybrid+ all-native Ethernet and TDM Packet Optical solution.

ECI offers its customers the best mix of fully interoperable offerings and to take a technology-agnostic and consultative approach to tailor the best path for each carriers’ specific needs, as per an extensive total cost-of-ownership analysis. The company's 1Net wireless backhaul solution includes:

1. 9000 Family of Carrier Ethernet Switch Router: extending the 9000 Family, ECI introduces today the SR9600 Series of metro aggregation and the BG9300 Series of cell-site access platforms. The new high-density, compact platforms enable a converged L2-L3 approach to next-generation wireless backhaul with an innovative bridging functionality for dual support of IP/MPLS and MPLS-TP standards, in addition to a variety of synchronisation schemes, circuit emulation for TDM traffic services, and end-to-end management to support both pure-packet and existing TDM services.

2. XDM and BroadGate families of multi-service and packet-optical platforms: today enhanced with the introduction of the Hybrid+ suite for native and independent handling of both Ethernet and TDM traffic. The Hybrid+ add-on suite includes independent and native Ethernet switching capabilities, end-to-end MPLS-TP support, end-to-end Ethernet synchronisation support, circuit emulation support (CES) and carrier grade management for both TDM and Ethernet services.

3. BG-Wave Series of native packet and hybrid microwave platforms: these LTE-ready platforms, introduced today, incorporate microwave radio with full networking and multiservice capabilities by integrating Ethernet/MPLS switch, Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM), Digital Cross Connect (DXC) and Circuit Emulation Service (CES) within the same platform. With packet payload rates up to 1Gbps, low latency and packet delay variation, comprehensive synchronisation capabilities and outstanding spectral efficiency, the BG-Wave is ready to meet the requirements of next-generation wireless backhaul networks. The BG-Wave supports the full life transition cycle from TDM to packet-based networks, offering native TDM and Ethernet, TDM over Ethernet (circuit emulation), pure packet, and both fibre and microwave in the same platform.

4. Hi-FOCuS family of multi-service access nodes (MSAN), enabling operators to leverage last-mile backhaul through DSL and GPON networks over multiple E1 or Ethernet lines.

5. LightSoft unified network management system for graphical automated end-to-end provisioning and management across network layers (microwave radio, MSPP, CESR) and technologies (MPLS, Ethernet, DWDM, Sonet/SDH and PDH). LightSoft’s multi-layer interface allows the user to get multiple physical and logical views of the network, facilitating the visualisation of connections and correlations between different network layers.

6. 1Net consultancy services, planning services, and network design to assist operators in the charting of their specific migration path, through building the business cases, network design, network audit and traffic analysis and optimisation.


A strategic asset
With 1Net, the optimised backhaul network becomes a strategic asset to carriers that need to enhance cost competitiveness, ensure customer satisfaction with mobile data service performance, and maximise profitability. Viewed in the round, it is clear that ECI offers a broad wireless backhaul solution that gives operators flexible options in migration path and transport technologies, considerable investment protection, and operational synergies.

Alon Moshes, Head of Marketing, Network Solutions Division, ECI Telecom, says, “ECI’s 1Net WBH approach is to address the main pain points for service providers such as the lack of fibre all the way to cell sites, the need for IP/Ethernet synchronisation, the complexity of packet operations, cost-efficient handling of legacy services, and the need for transport-grade packet networks. We bring to the market innovative multi-functional network platforms, fully integrated solutions and a complete suite of services, tailoring the NGN migration to each provider’s technical needs and business objectives, no matter where they are on their network transformation path from TDM to packet-based.”

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