
Kenyan mobile operator Safaricom has said it will disconnect subscribers who promote or spread hate messages during the country’s general election

Safaricom chief executive officer Bob Collymore said, “We will not think twice before taking a tough stance against hate mongers.

“If we get a complaint about any subscriber spreading hate messages on the Internet, or via text message, we will follow the laid down rules and ensure that the subscriber is disconnected. We just have to take responsibility as the elections beckon,” Collymore said in Mombasa.

Collymore, however, assured users that Safaricom had the right measures in place, despite the speed with which information could spread on the Internet.

“Things have become complex with coming of Internet and social media. Information spreads very fast now but we have instruments to keep vigil on that complexity,” he added. 

“Kenyans should learn from the past experience and see how this country was hurt by violence. Let’s be patriotic and love our country and neighbours.”

Collymore also highlighted the Mkenya Daima (Forever Kenyan) campaign, which was aimed at rallying Kenyans together ahead of the general election to maintain peace.

“We have different ethnic groups, but we all belong to one nation. Kenyans must remember that the people they hurt are their own. This is a great country that all of us should focus on developing further,” Collymore remarked.

According to a report on Nairobi’s The Star, “The campaign is being steered by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) and will run in four phases until the general elections are over.

“Collymore’s statement on hate mongering will supplement the ongoing efforts by the government through the communication commission of Kenya and national cohesion and integration commission to monitor mongers in communication sector,” the report added. 

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