
LS telcom has received orders worth US$6.2mn for spectrum management in Africa

Two African countries’ regulatory authorities each commissioned the company to deliver a national radio frequency management system.

The regulators will award and manage the licenses for new mobile networks with these systems.

To ensure that the license conditions are met at each transmission site and that the radio transmitters do not cause interference to other users, LS telcom AG is also supplying one of the countries with a comprehensive national radio monitoring system.

Manfred Lebherz, spokesman of the executive board of LS telcom AG, said, “We are all the more pleased about the acquisition of these two new customers and the contracts that have now been concluded, as the Corona pandemic meant that we had to conduct the entire negotiations remotely via telephone and video conferences.

“The delivery and installation of these systems under the current pandemic conditions remain a challenge, but we will successfully overcome these potential hurdles by involving our regional subsidiaries and local partners where necessary.”

The LS telcom Group is a specialist in both technology and the number of installations of integrated spectrum management and radio surveillance systems.

For many years the African market has played a significant role for LS telcom. With customers in 24 countries, LS telcom has already successfully implemented projects here. These two new customers further extend LS telcom Group’s international reach with customers in well over 100 countries worldwide.

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