
Businesses in Nigeria can seurely request and receive payments directly from their customer using Pay Us payment product called PayU Receive

PayU Receive is a secure payment solution that enables simple and easy business-to-business and business-to-consumer payments via email or SMS. According to the company, the service allows businesses to make use of PayU’s safe and secure payment services by allowing them to send payment requests via email or sms to their customers.

“This payment solution aligns with PayU’s experience in over 16 markets globally, including Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, where our technological solutions are changing the payment landscape," said Juliet Nwanguma, country manager, PayU Nigeria.

"We hope to empower more business owners in Nigeria with innovations like PayU Receive which helps improve collection of payments from customers both locally and internationally,” added Nwanguma.

Merchants can send local and international payment requests to their customers, the company notes, and this can be done via email or SMS for goods and services with PayU Receive.

These payment requests can be branded with the merchant’s company logo, look and feel. In addition, the payment request can be adapted to a merchant’s type of communication like invoices, email quotes, statements etc.

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