
Hong Kong-based carrier services company, PCCW Global, has come together with 16 other service providers around the world to design a subsea cable system

Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1) will connect Hong Kong, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe in a bid to provide reliable mobile connectivity.

The cable system is expected to provide robust and low latency connectivity which underpins one of the highest growth and most active global trade routes, PCCW said.

PCCW Global organised a signing ceremony for the Construction and Maintenance Agreement in Hong Kong on 27 January 2014 to officially mark further progress in the AAE-1 Project.

“Our investment in AAE-1 will further enhance our position in Hong Kong as a regional telecommunications hub, and will also improve the ability of PCCW Global’s international cable network to withstand natural disasters such as the massive earthquakes which have occurred in the region over the past few years,” said Alex Arena, HKT’s group managing director.

“It will also help to address the ever-increasing demands of our mobile, data and video customers in Hong Kong who make use of our world-leading quadruple-play services,” added Arena.

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