
Samsung Electronics has launched the new Galaxy Note II phone and a Samsung Galaxy Camera in South Africa

Samsung Electronics Africa vice-president and chief operating officer, George Ferreira, said, “Last year we launched the Galaxy Note, which opened a new category of smart mobile devices. Within nine months we had 10mn users worldwide and based on the market insight that we have, the new galaxy Note II, will do even better.

“This year, again, we are proud to announce the Galaxy Note II, which will encourage users to unleash their inner creativity.”

A Samsung statement said, “The new phone has a 5.5” (140.9mm) HD Super AMOLED screen with HD visuals and a 3,100mAh battery. Users can personalise photos by leaving handwritten photo notes that can be shared in jpg format with the help of the new S pen.

“A user can also launch multiple windows on one screen without closing applications. In addition, the device’s new gesture pad feature, called Quick Command, has the ability to allow users to quickly activate frequently used apps with the S Pen.”

Samsung added that the phone, powered by Android 4.1, had a personalised content creation facility along with sharing and multitasking capabilities.

The Galaxy Camera, also launched by Samsung, was equipped with a 21x super-long zoom lens and a super-bright 16M BSI CMOS sensor for brilliant quality. The camera also has a ‘Smart Pro’ feature, which has made it easy to customise and recreate professional-looking photographs by choosing from a number of background images.

According to Samsung’s estimates, there were about 450mn mobile phone users in Africa which made the continent the biggest and fastest-growing mobile market in the world.

About 50 per cent of cell phone users in Africa accessed Internet through their cell phones as a results of which smart phones were outselling computers, the company claimed.

Samsung also informed that from August 2011 to August 2012, Samsung sold 41 per cent of the smartphone units in Nigeria and 31 per cent in South Africa.

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