
The Subah Group has announced that it has been chosen by The National Telecoms Commission (NATCOM) in Sierra Leone to prevent SIM box fraud and improve Revenue Assurance in the country

Subah has rolled out systems in both Ghana and in The Republic of Guinea where it has been reported that an extra US$1.5mn of additional voice traffic is now being billed every month by operators. According to Subah, this is expected to produce an extra US$30,000 a month in tax revenues for the government of Guinea.

“Our SIM Box solution is the only system on the market which can detect and block SIMs as well as identify the physical location of fraudulent SIM box operations so they can be destroyed,” said Birendra Sasmal, CEO of The Subah Group.

Subah is exhibiting at ITU Telecom World, which is taking place in Bangkok and will run until 17 November. The firm will also be attending AfricaCom in Cape Town and has been nominated for an award at this year’s AfricaCom Awards taking place on the last day of the show, for its work in Guinea in the Best Cost Efficiency Solution for Africa category. Subah's SIM Box Fraud system was awardedt he ‘Best Telecom Traffic Monitoring Solution’ at The Third Annual Telecoms Fraud, Revenue Assurance and Risk Management forum held in August 2016.

Birendra Sasmal, CEO of The Subah Group added, “There is no other company in the world that can provide a complete solution like this. We will be deploying all our expertise and experience to increase revenues for both the operators and Government of Sierra Leone.”

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