
Angola: Alvarion supports Africa’s expansion beyond a traditional carrier model

“Expanding beyond a traditional carrier model, service providers like ACS are enabling both rural and urban Africa to move forward at a rapid pace, and we are thrilled to be a part of this transition,” said Eran Gorev, president and CEO of Alvarion. “We look forward to supporting the array of users of this valued customer and to enabling them to meet their customers’ future needs.”

Angola Communications Systems (ACS), a Business Unit of MSTelcom, has chosen Alvarion’s BreezeMAX Extreme solution to introduce a high-speed wireless broadband network in Angola. ACS has been providing satellite and wireless broadband services to private and public sectors including banks, government departments and entities across Angola. The high-speed network, operating in the 4.9 GHz frequency range, will be the first Alvarion’s 802.16e deployment in Angola. ACS’s network will provide a range of broadband services to Luanda business customers, to local municipalities and to various provincial towns and villages as last mile.

Beyond tradition

This approach goes beyond a traditional carrier model. Traditional telecom carriers face powerful marketplace challenges today as they strive to provide next-generation services. Their model is failing specific communities in Africa and other parts of the world. The pressures of vertical and horizontal diversification are forcing carriers to compete on costs for multiple services. Consequently, geographic service areas which cannot make money within the traditional model are being spun off. This poses major sustainable economic development challenges for rural as well as urban Africa. Whereas it is possible to implement cost effective solutions, which are sustainable and address the discrete needs of regional development for every community.

WiMAX solutions have grown beyond its traditional licensed-band, carrier applications. It has increased in capacity, flexibility and range, making it reliably applicable in traditional as well as specialized networks, catering for energy companies, municipalities, and other vertical markets. BreezeMAX Extreme brings technological and financial benefits to the licensed and license-exempt frequency bands enabling a superior business case. With field-proven Quality of Service (QoS) and security in very challenging interference-prone frequencies, BreezeMAX Extreme is an optimal solution for the African region.

“Alvarion’s BreezeMAX Extreme technology, teamed with its commitment to our success, gives us the confidence that we are ready to meet the needs of our diverse types of users consistently and in the long-term,” commented Carlos Carvalho Chief Technology Officer of ACS. “In such a dynamic market, Alvarion’s experience in Africa and market-leading technology are crucial to successfully delivering this network with efficiency.”


By Divine EWANE


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