
UNESCO and Samsung have launched a Digital Village (DV) Project in Loliondo Division of Tanzania to increase access to information, knowledge and services to the remote populations of the area

According to a UN agency, the digitalised village will consist of a Technology School, which is expected to be connected to Internet services, modern clinics, technological centre for medical facilitation and a solar powered generator for providing power throughout the village.

Zulmira Rodriguez, resident director of UNESCO, said, “The solar power system will also generate electricity for several existing small businesses in the project community while UNESCO will enhance the adoption of the digital technology by customising its use for the needs of the people.”

The project is expected to enable UNESCO to provide education to the Maasai youths who have been facing a lot of challenges due to the pastoral nature of their communities, added Rodriguez.

“This project will help to inform Tanzanian policies on the use of ICTs for rural development. The project will also enhance the role of the local government in the area,” noted Rodriguez.

UNESCO revealed that the digitalised village in Loliondo Division will be the first one in Tanzania and the fourth one across the African continent.

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