
Kaymera technologies, the leading company in security solutions for mobile phones, have confirmed its participation in Shield Africa 2021 in Abidjan, an African initiative to respond to Africa’s security challenges

Shield Africa has partnered with the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and COGES Africa to welcome more than 3,000 delegates from Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia to the International Expo on security and defence 2021

As the provider of the premier mobile phone security solution for businesses and governments, Kaymera deploys the highest level of encryption to protect secure business, and personal data safe from numerous digital threats.

Shield Africa 2021 will bring together global manufacturers and security service providers as well as authorities, buyers and users across Africa to showcase the best security and defence solutions to meet the needs of the local market.

The goal of the Shield Africa event is to provide solutions to the new security challenges that African mega-cities will soon face due to rapid development and urbanisation.

Kaymera Technologies is part of the inner circle of major providers of security solutions to help protect African states, natural identities, economic actors and trade security; preserve human wealth, natural resources and the environment, combat terrorism, piracy, fraud and illegal trafficking as well as provide expertise to support private companies and public institutions.

Dani Haloutz , Kaymera's general chairman of the board, former IDF chief of staff, said, “I have spent years thinking about how the attackers think. Under my command, my military units have learned to anticipate the unexpected. Physical and digital adversaries have many similarities, and the key to defeating cell phone threats lies in being prepared for the unknown. I am proud that Kaymera has the opportunity to bring this expertise to Africa.”

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