
The Southern Africa Banking and ICT Summit, set to take place in Zambia at the end of April, will bring together key industry players

Due to be held in the capital Lusaka on 30 April 2015, the summit will focus heavily on the theme of cyber security and attract professionals and representatives from banking, government and ICT sectors.

Africa has seen increasing levels of fraud and cyber crime in recent years, as banks and governments alike have struggled to adjust to the digital age.

A recent survey conducted on banks in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania and Rwanda revealed a spike in scams like card-skimming, electronic file manipulation, malicious insiders, hacking and the circumvention of IT controls.

The event will therefore aim to highlight particular threats to financial institutions, government bodies and commercial enterprises, as well as potential solutions, such as advancements in ICT, which could enable them to stay ahead of hackers.

The summit will feature workshop sessions to help attendees articulate and implement effective risk management policies, as well as ensuring internal infrastructure and software systems are sufficiently robust.

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