
Main Street Technologies demonstrated its commitment to the highest levels of environmental and social performance in December 2008, when the results of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), commissioned for the Main One Cable. 

p>Main Street Technologies demonstrated its commitment to the highest levels of environmental and social performance in December 2008, when the results of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), commissioned for the Main One Cable. 

The EIA was carried out independently by Environmental Resources Management (ERM), in partnership with Fugro Consultants Nigeria Limited (FCNL) and local resource specialists.

The environmental and social assessment process included screening, scoping, impact assessment and stakeholder consultation and disclosure. In addition to complying with national requirements, the process considered international best practices and the guidance provided by international lenders specifically that of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards. Detailed reports submitted to national regulatory authorities for consideration: an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for Nigeria and a Preliminary Environmental Report (PER) for Ghana.

The reports, which were submitted to the Federal Ministry of the Environment (FME) in Nigeria and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Ghana in December 2008, conclude that project activities are expected to have minimal effect on the environmental or social environment. The project and its associated activities are of a benign nature, and there has been integration of preventative measures into the project design. The EIA does indicate some potential for limited environmental and social impacts to habitats and flora; fauna; coastal processes and water quality; and human health and safety. The potential is reduced through the implementation of standard mitigation measures and industry best practices. On the other hand, there is significant potential for positive benefits.

The availability of additional telecommunications capacity will have direct and indirect social and economic benefits for businesses, public institutions, and individuals through: lower cost and improved telecommunications service; improved educational opportunities through increase in access to information and education resources; development of a regional sense of community through greater equality of information sharing; economic benefits from the enhanced opportunities for new and small enterprises; and macro economic benefits of the potential expansion of technologyreliant industries in West Africa, such as information technology services and software development businesses.

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