IMPACT (International Multilateral Partnership against Cyber Threats) a installé son Centre dalerte mondial à Cyberjaya (Malaisie) au début de cette année, se dotant ainsi du système international le plus avancé en matière de cybersécurité, qui offre la possibilité de repérer rapidement les cybermenaces et de prendre les mesures de protection qui simposent.p>IMPACT (International Multilateral Partnership against Cyber Threats) a installé son Centre dalerte mondial à Cyberjaya (Malaisie) au début de cette année, se dotant ainsi du système international le plus avancé en matière de cybersécurité, qui offre la possibilité de repérer rapidement les cybermenaces et de prendre les mesures de protection qui simposent.
Les normes TV IP permettent des avancées significatives
Dans cette période économique tourmentée, les grandes avancées dans l’adoption technologique de nouveaux services sont rares, voire uniques.p>Dans cette période économique tourmentée, les grandes avancées dans l’adoption technologique de nouveaux services sont rares, voire uniques.
IPTV standards work making significant strides
QUANTUM LEAPS IN technology adoption of new services are rare. But the news that IPTV subscribers worldwide had now topped 21mn, reflecting a growth of 45 per cent across 2008, comes into this category and this could be just the right time for operators across Africa to start to embrace this growing application.p>QUANTUM LEAPS IN technology adoption of new services are rare. But the news that IPTV subscribers worldwide had now topped 21mn, reflecting a growth of 45 per cent across 2008, comes into this category and this could be just the right time for operators across Africa to start to embrace this growing application.
Instantly doubling the population's access to e-mail
A new service will bring e-mail services to rural and urban areas across the African country of Lesotho via any mobile phone, more than doubling the population’s access to e-mail.p>A new service will bring e-mail services to rural and urban areas across the African country of Lesotho via any mobile phone, more than doubling the population’s access to e-mail.
Tanzanian subscribers enjoy the benefits of pre- and postpaid convergent services
Vodacom Tanzania prepaid subscribers can now enjoy the same promotional campaigns and value-added services as their postpaid counterparts, and vice versa, without compromising on the convenience of their payment style.
p>Vodacom Tanzania prepaid subscribers can now enjoy the same promotional campaigns and value-added services as their postpaid counterparts, and vice versa, without compromising on the convenience of their payment style.