
Switching options help service providers meet growing demand for wireless data services while reducing network complexity and lowering operating costs

p>Switching options help service providers meet growing demand for wireless data services while reducing network complexity and lowering operating costs

Ciena Corporation's expanded Carrier Ethernet Service Delivery (CESD) portfolio includes switching products designed to address LTE backhaul networking requirements. Featuring flexible connectivity options and traffic-type awareness, the new platforms empower service providers to meet the rapidly growing demand for data services with speed, scalability and resiliency, while reducing network complexity and lowering operating costs.
It is widely accepted that the proliferation of next-generation mobile devices and associated data applications is forcing network operators to invest in additional capacity and move to 4G technologies to accommodate growth and support new service demands. To do that, service providers are increasingly turning to high speed, low latency LTE technologies that improve network performance and lower operating costs while supporting the need for additional bandwidth all within their existing spectrum. As a result, however, operators are facing more pressure on the critical wireless backhaul portion of the network that ensures the traffic flows between cell towers and the terrestrial core network.ciena_activedge 3916 service delivery switchWhen planning the migration to 4G, service providers must ensure their backhaul networks contain these three design attributes:
• Scalability to ensure rapid response to evolving bandwidth needs, partially driven by an increase of IP-connected devices.
• Management to allocate capacity and prioritise different data traffic types to meet performance demands of a variety of end-users.
• Quality of service control to optimise bandwidth availability and reliability and ensure timely application delivery – an increasingly complex task due to unpredictable traffic spikes from applications like streaming video or music and ongoing maintenance complexities.

Ciena’s approach
By deploying Ciena’s Carrier Ethernet solutions for LTE wireless backhaul, wholesale capacity suppliers and mobile network operators can realise up to 30 per cent savings in capital expenses and up to 80 per cent reduction in turn-up times at a base stations as compared to alternative packet technologies. Ciena’s portfolio offers a number of architectural advantages, including:ciena_activedge 3930 service delivery switch• Sophisticated network resource provisioning and optimisation to more efficiently control, manage and monetise unpredictable traffic over the network.
• MEF-compliant Carrier-Ethernet based infrastructure options for network access, coupled with scalable, converged optical Ethernet solutions to simplify transport in aggregation or metro core networks and configure the backhaul network to be transparent to the wireless layer’s IP protocols.
• A common service-aware operating system to address a multitude of backhaul scenarios – depending on the availability of fibre, the degree of multi-tenancy, and various generations of radio base stations – for greater cost and resource savings.
• Protection capabilities for detecting and recovering from network disruptions to ensure high network availability and seamless service delivery.

CESD portfolio expansion and momentum
Ciena’s comprehensive CESD portfolio offers multiple Ethernet service delivery and aggregation switch products that are specifically designed to withstand the elements when placed in a variety of physical locations, such as the base of a cell tower or on top of a building. The newest additions to Ciena’s market-leading CESD portfolio – a series of cell site and business services demarcation and switching devices –are equally versatile, and enable carriers to employ sophisticated Quality of Service (QoS) and traffic management to achieve deterministic performance for service level guarantees, while featuring MEF-compliant interfaces, intelligent service-aware operating software, extensive Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) capabilities for fault and performance monitoring and on-board service assurance. These portfolio additions include:ciena_activedge 3931 service delivery switch• ActivEdge 3930 Service Delivery Switch: focused on supporting the transition to high-bandwidth applications requiring sophisticated QoS capabilities, the switch operates in an extended temperature range, offers a range of leading edge timing and synchronisation options, and provides enhanced Ethernet service delivery through increased port capacity and automated traffic load-testing without the need for truck-rolls.
• ActivEdge 3931 Service Delivery Switch: offers the features of the ActivEdge 3930 in an environmentally-sealed enclosure to deliver Carrier Ethernet services in almost any environment in addition to flexible mounting options. 
Ciena also announced a new CESD platform designed to create and deploy Ethernet business services with greater velocity, automation and customisation, which is increasingly important as enterprise networks are challenged to deliver a larger solution set of complex, bandwidth-heavy applications and IT functions. The new platform is:
• ActivEdge 3916 Service Delivery Switch:  delivers low power consumption in an all GigE compact form factor and offers faster service troubleshooting and a virtual switching architecture for better customer isolation and overall network performance.

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