

SEACOM and Infinera Corp, a leading US-based digital optical networking equipment supplier, recently announced that they had achieved a global first by successfully trialling five 100 Gigabit per second (100 Gb/s) channels of coherent optical transmission over a distance of 1732km

p>SEACOM and Infinera Corp, a leading US-based digital optical networking equipment supplier, recently announced that they had achieved a global first by successfully trialling five 100 Gigabit per second (100 Gb/s) channels of coherent optical transmission over a distance of 1732km

Are operators ready for the $140 smartphone user and the costly support they need? One 30 minute support call can wipe out a subscriber’s entire profitability

Handset application lets mobile users report unwanted messages to their operator and protect themselves; First global “crowd-source” spam reporting for operators across all networksHandset application lets mobile users report unwanted messages to their operator and protect themselves; First global “crowd-source” spam reporting for operators across all networks

Monitise is set to build Nigeria’s first mobile shared financial services platform after being granted a Mobile Payment System Provider licence to provide mobile money services by the country’s Central BankMonitise is set to build Nigeria’s first mobile shared financial services platform after being granted a Mobile Payment System Provider licence to provide mobile money services by the country’s Central Bank

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