Vietnam-based mobile telecom operator Viettel has announced that it will start operations in Tanzania in 2015, with an aim to expand operations in other East African countries as well
MTN Nigeria and Alcatel-Lucent to launch 100G network in Nigeria
MTN Nigeria has announced a partnership with France-based Alcatel-Lucent to deploy 100G fibre-optic network in Nigeria
British Red Cross launches TERA in fight against ebola
The Britsh Red Cross will launch its TERA SMS messaging system in a bid to save lives, protect livelihoods and strengthen recovery from crises and disasters in West Africa
Mobile phones to boost productivity and incomes of 30,000 Tanzanian farmers
Vodafone Group, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and not-for-profit organisation TechnoServe has announced it has signed an agreement to deploy mobile technology to increase the productivity of thousands of low-income, smallholder farmers in Tanzania
Airtel Zambia invests US$80mn in infrastructure upgrade
Zambia’s biggest mobile phone operator Airtel to spend more than US$80mn on upgrading and expanding its base station infrastructure