Millicom has committed all its Tigo mobile operations in Latin America and Africa to the GSMA’s Connected Women Commitment Initiative, which aims to reduce the gender gap in mobile Internet and mobile money across low- and middle-income countries
Teoco and Siradel join forces to launch ASSET 5G
TEOCO, one of the leading providers of planning and optimisation, assurance and analytics solutions and advanced wireless propagation expert SIRADEL have joined forces to launch combined 5G mmWave design and optimisation solutions
mCoin, first cryptocurrency that does not need internet access
ONEm has introduced mCoin, the first inclusive cryptocurrency accessible outside the domain of the internet, to provide internet access to about three billion people around the world who dont have access to the internet
Orange and the CNED to distribute educational content on smartphones in Africa
Orange, the global telecommunications operator, has partnered with National Distance Learning Centre (CNED) to facilitate access to educational content on smartphones in Africa
Rosenberger to present 5G solutions at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
Rosenberger will present state-of-the art and high-performance infrastructure systems, products, and components at Mobile World Congress