
Global PLC standard gives major impetus to development of Smart Grid applications for AMI and in-home energy management

The HomeGrid Forum has welcomed the news that the G.hnem standard has entered the final stages of approval at the ITU, the UN’s International Telecommunications Union. Two new recommendations, G.9955 (PHY and system architecture) and G.9956 (DLL) form the global G.hnem standard for low frequency (9-500 KHz) powerline communications (PLC) for smart meters, energy management systems, electric vehicle communications, control and home automation.

G.hnem devices offer performance of up to 1 Mb/s and can operate in the CENELEC as well as the FCC bands. Various improvements incorporated into G.hnem include significant blocking of impulsive noise, improved cross-phase signal propagation, and increased robustness under challenging powerline conditions.  The schedule at ITU-T calls for the completion of final Approval of both Recommendations later this year.

Variety of applications

This ITU-T milestone enables silicon and system developers to confidently design new products that utilize the power of G.hnem PLC to cost-effectively meet the needs of a wide variety of smart grid applications. These include Automatic Metering Infrastructure (AMI), building automation, electric vehicle (EV) communications, as well as electric grid monitoring and management links.

For in-home applications, the use of G.hnem-enabled devices in a Home Area Network (HAN) promotes extremely cost-effective yet highly capable networking of home appliances and devices.

HomeGrid Forum

The HomeGrid Forum has been instrumental in developing and promoting the G.hnem standard, just as it did with, with many HomeGrid Forum members actively involved in the ITU-T working group and other related standards bodies. “We are delighted that the ITU-T has been able to develop the G.hnem Recommendation in just a year,” said Lantiq’s Dr. Vladimir Oksman, Chairman of the HomeGrid Forum’s Smart Grid Working Group.

“This is a great step forward in collaboration between the ITU-T, the IEEE, SAE, ISO/IEC and HomeGrid Forum, with HomeGrid Forum leading in the ITU-T’s development of this next generation of PLC. This new Recommendation is a significant move as it represents the ITU-T’s first step in the smart grid arena, promoting interoperable devices and opening new global markets to innovative PLC products. The HomeGrid Forum has been one of the leaders in the ITU-T’s development of this next generation of PLC.”


Malcolm Johnson, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, said: “Reaching Consent for G.hnem PHY and DLL Recommendations is a significant milestone and demonstrates just how effectively this industry can work together for the benefit of everyone.

We particularly acknowledge the hard work of the HomeGrid Forum, whose members have embraced this important work from the outset and have shown sustained support and commitment in helping us reach this stage.”

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