
Finnish development financier Finnfund has decided to invest US$1mn in Kasha, an e-commerce platform improving women’s access to genuine health, hygiene and self-care products in East Africa

The company sells menstrual care products, contraceptives, pharmaceuticals and a range of beauty products via its own platform, accessible through basic phones and a website and delivered to customers confidentially.

Kasha was first founded in 2016 in Rwanda and has since expanded to Kenya.

Kasha’s CEO Joanna Bichsel, said, “Partnering with Finnfund, we look forward to growing our presence in Rwanda and Kenya as well as expanding to other countries in Africa – and eventually to other parts of the world.”

Finnfund started negotiations with Kasha in February 2020.

Johanna Raehalme, Finnfund’s investment manager, said, “During the investment process, Kasha’s role has become more relevant than ever. “At the moment, they are preparing for an active role in protecting people from COVID-19,” said Raehalme.

Joanna Bichsel, Kasha’s CEO, confirms this: “Kasha is already serving as a safe way to get hand sanitizers, antibacterial soaps, masks, gloves and eventually COVID diagnostic rapid tests. Our content channels also provide access to information on how to protect yourself from the virus.”

“In Rwanda and Kenya, Kasha is supporting the directives of the Ministry of Health, having optimising Kasha to effectively serve as a channel for the safe delivery of COVID-protection related products, information and services”, she said.

“Even data around purchases related to the new coronavirus and their demographics or geographic “hot spots” based on various indicators could be shared. Kasha is also part of a technical working group identifying technology solutions to help with the situation,” she concluded.

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