
Abdi Ashur Hassan, speaking at the 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Dubai, emphasised that the transformation of Somalias economy would come from efforts to ramp up technology capacity in the nation

Somalia’s minister for Post, Telecom and Technology, said the government recognises that ICTs form the foundation of socio-economic development and good governance and therefore, is working to create opportunities through the development of ICTs for its people that would allow them to participate in the global economy.

The minister also stressed that Somalia and many other developing countries cannot overcome the many challenges their societies face in a hyper-competitive global technological order on their own.

We believe, he said, it is in the best interest of developed and less developed countries alike to cooperate and collaborate while we recommit to our shared goals in the ITU Strategic Plan, WSIS Action Lines, and Sustainable Development Goals.

Somalia has resubmitted for adoption during PP-18 the Resolution 160, which has been endorsed by the Arab and Africa Regions in their Common Proposals.

“We respectfully ask all member states to support this Resolution so that Somalia can rebuild its ICT infrastructure and capacities,” said the minister, adding that Somalia is committed to support the activities of the ITU and will cooperate and collaborate with fellow member states to advance the global ICT Agenda.

“We hope that those who have experiences, knowledge and expertise will share for the benefit of all,” concluded the minister.

The Plenipotentiary Conference is the ITU’s highest-level meeting, where its 193 member states agree on the Union’s overall strategic and financial plans.

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