
Gencell Energy, an Israeli fuel cell solutions manufacturer, won the Green Mobile Award at the GSMA Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO) at MWC19 for its unique GenCell A5 Off-Grid Power Solution

Designed to provide 100 per cent clean, continuous and cost-effective power for rural mobile base stations, the GenCell solution was recognised for its contribution to reducing the mobile industry’s environmental footprint.

In providing a solution that produces zero CO2 emissions, GenCell has been recognised for overcoming the OPEX barrier to green rural telecom power. Compared to diesel generators, the GenCell A5 saves operators on average up to US$250mn across 1,000 towers over a 10-year period.

The GLOMO Award Judges commented, “The A5 stands out for its innovative approach on how to tackle the problem of the power supply for off-grid telecom base stations with fuel cells. A brilliant, reliable, scalable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly investment in green technologies and contribution towards the UN-SDGs.”

The A5 is the first fuel cell designed to supply primary power to the estimated 1.2mn off-grid and poor-grid telecom towers worldwide. It replaces highly polluting diesel generators that consume US$19bn of diesel fuel and emit 45mn tonnes of CO2, and the weather-resistant and low-maintenance GenCell A5 uses only one ammonia tank to keep an off-grid base station operating 24/7 for a whole year.

Rami Reshef, GenCell Energy, CEO, said, “We’re thrilled to have won this award. Over the last eight years, we’ve made it our mission to provide a credible alternative to diesel and enable the mobile industry to respond to the global environmental challenge.”

“With 5G fast upon us and the predicted doubling of energy costs associated with this generation, responsible energy resourcing has never been more important, and we’re excited to see an increasing pickup of our A5 off-grid telecom solution across the industry to meet these challenges,” he added.

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