
Vaseem Ahmed, CEO of UK based international C level executive recruiter Capumen, has revealed record half year results with significant growth in Africa

Ahmed stated “we have always known the UK is highly regarded and respected for the quality of our C level executives but it is also our unique insight and understanding of the cultures, markets and organisations which ensures we secure so many positive outcomes."

According to Capumen, one of their candidates were offered a seven figure CEO role in Africa. "We always intended to be a major player in telecoms, broadcasting and digital in Africa because of its enormous market but now we have a toehold we are about to embark on a more proactive approach," said the boutique recruitment form.

The global search and selection recruitment consultancy, focused on the Telecoms, Digital and Technology sectors said it is proud to have established strong relationships with companies from all over the globe. These firms include  blue-chip firms, SMEs, Venture Capitalists, as well as high growth start-ups.

"We have an excellent understanding of the Telecoms, Digital, Broadcast and Technology sectors and what it is that companies want - and indeed should demand - in terms of a World class recruitment service," added Capumen






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