
Telecom Italia Group’s international services arm TI Sparkle and Libyan alternative local operator Gateway have signed an agreement to provide international end-to-end services to and from Libya

The two parties will now be able to offer end-to-end international SDH and Ethernet services to and from Libya. Native MPLS solutions will be added to the portfolio at a second stage.

The services, which will cater to the demands of corporate customers, will be offered through a joint platform of Gateway’s newly constructed Libyan national backbone and of TI Sparkle’s international capacity.

TI Sparkle chief executive officer Elisabetta Ripa said, “We are very excited about this new partnership that adds to relevant existing relations with Libyan operators, as corporate customers’ demand for international services with Libya continues to grow.”

In order to support the commercial deployment of this new partnership, Sparkle has recently inaugurated a new representative office in Tripoli.

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