
Facebook has launched its Nigerian SME Council, aiming to support small and medium sized businesses across Africa

The Nigerian SME Council collaborates Facebook Africa’s SME team and Nigerian business owners across the various ranges of industries and focus on providing better digital tools to the customers for the growth of business.

The council combines 15 start-ups and established SMEs, with each business bringing a range of experiences in understanding and embracing digital and mobile strategies to reach out to the Nigerian customer.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Abi Williams, SMB sales manager at Facebook for EMEA, said, “Small businesses form the backbone of most of the thriving economies in the world, driving sustainable growth and creating jobs, and those in Nigeria are no different.”

Facebook aims to help SMEs to grow their businesses in Nigeria. “With 35mn people in other countries connected to a Nigerian business on Facebook, the global market has never been closer for Nigerian SMEs,” she explained.

Ifeanyi Azubike, one of the SMEs council members and head of innovation and marketing at GIG Group, said that the launch of the council is expected to boost the growth of the SME ecosystem in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

According to the Eagle, the start-ups and SMEs in the council include Paylater, Digitxplus, Wakanow, Afro Foods and Spice Nigeria, Easyshop Easycook, Hush’ D, Mamalette, Bombay to Beirut, GIGM.com, Naphtali Party Rentals and others.

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