
Heavy Reading White Paper and Light Reading Webinar this month provide the ‘4Rs’ Business Case for Service Broker

p>Heavy Reading White Paper and Light Reading Webinar this month provide the ‘4Rs’ Business Case for Service Broker


The Service Broker Forum, a multi-vendor association dedicated to promoting service broker benefits and use cases, is today revealing how service providers can leverage existing network infrastructures to deliver next-gen services at maximum speed and minimum cost. In a Heavy Reading white paper and Light Reading webinar series entitled Release, Rationalize, Relate and Reuse, The ‘4R’ Business Case for the Service Broker, the Forum will explain how service brokers can marry future and legacy investments within the established network for optimal returns.

To retain brand loyalty in the face of growing numbers of over the top (OTT) players, telcos have to respond quickly and flexibly to the service needs of fickle subscribers in the form of innovative and personalised rich communication services, irrespective of billing structures. At the same time, they have to both streamline and maximise the use of their existing platform assets for as long as possible, ensuring that the migration to a next-gen service environment occurs within their preferred Opex cycle.

The white paper and related webinar series show how service brokers – mediating, cross-linking and translating between multiple services and network elements in real-time – provide a potent technology, enabling service providers to address these challenges head on.

“The service broker is a key competitive weapon in a communications service provider’s service delivery armoury, ensuring that operators can give customers a market-leading service experience while controlling costs and conserving network resources,” comments Caroline Chappell, Analyst at Large at Heavy Reading, and the paper’s author.

The paper covers the following key areas:

The ‘4Rs’ business case for service broker

A summary of the service broker’s journey from a niche service interaction to a strategic independent network element

Real-world case studies on the role that the service broker plays in the fragmented next-gen network

Caroline will also chair a Light Reading accompanying webinar discussion at 4pm BST, 10am EST on 21 June.

Free to download, the white paper will be available on 21 June from www.servicebrokerforum.org.  To register for the webinar, go to Light Reading Webinar

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