
Telecoms firm Wananchi Group is investing US$2mn to offer free, high speed fixed Internet to more than 2,000 public and private schools in Nairobi, Kenya

According to the Kenyan government, 150 schools have been connected in a deal that also involved the Kenya Education Network and the County Government of Nairobi. Students in the connected institutions will be able to conduct research and access knowledge from other parts of the world.

The project is expected to supplement plans to provide free laptops across the country, the government stated.

Meanwhile, telecommunications provider Bharti Airtel has offered free Internet connection to 41 schools in the country, in a programme aimed at nurturing creativity and innovation among students.

The project known as LEAP Hubs has been offered in partnership with the Chandaria Foundation and the Global Peace Foundation.

Under the programme, students in secondary schools will be nurtured to launch sustainable business ventures and social enterprises through access to online resources and tools. Students will also be trained on leadership and entrepreneurship focusing on business plan development, financial literacy and other critical skills empowering them to be self-reliant.

Before the launch of the LEAPS Hubs, Airtel’s Internet for School programme has benefited more than 150 schools in the country.

“Through the LEAPS Hubs programme, we will create a platform for youth to unlock their potential. So far through the Internet for School programme, we have connected 167 school impacting on 250,000 students,” observed Airtel Kenya CEO Adil El Youssefi, during an event at Mary Leaky Girls High School in Thika recently.

At Maua Girls High School in Meru County, Airtel has presented a router and will provide a maximum of 8 GB data monthly to allow students and teachers to use the Internet.

“Apart from the students, free Internet will also allow teachers to do research as well as further their education,” said Justus Kavisu, Airtel business manager in charge of the Central Kenya region during the presentation ceremony.

Other schools that have benefited from free Internet connectivity include Nyeri Good Shepherd Academy, Thunguma Children’s Home, Gitugi Girls in Murang’a County and Machakos Baptist Secondary in Machakos County.

Mwangi Mumero


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