
The World Bank has approved International Development Association (IDA) funding of US$315mn to support job creation, skills development and digital transformation in Ghana

This funding includes US$200mn for the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project and US$115mn in additional funding for the Ghana eTransform project.

The jobs and skills project will provide training in apprenticeship and entrepreneurship to develop skills and assist apprentices with self-employment activities or help them secure job opportunities and reinforce connections with trade associations.

The project will provide training, grants, entrepreneurship activities for micro and small businesses and help establish a functioning Ghana Labour Market Information System, a public database that aims to capture employer and worker information and provide regular data and information on Ghana's employment landscape.

Additional funding for the ongoing eTransform Ghana Project will improve the efficiency and coverage of the government services delivery. Increasing Internet bandwidth for district health centres and hospitals and other government services in 254 districts includes digitisation of archives and other public records.

The project will also provide computer labs and networking for enhanced remote learning in two new universities and in 200 senior high schools located in areas which do not currently have these facilities.

Automation of the Judiciary, and the development of an integrated information management system for the Office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Justice will reduce the need for face-to-face meetings and facilitate remote work. Scaling up eProcurement to all government ministries, departments and agencies will ensure continuity of business and reduce physical travel requirements.

“The project will help underpin a comprehensive COVID-19 digital response by increasing broadband provision in underserved parts of the country and preventing service disruptions,” said Michel Rogy, World Bank practice manager, digital development for Africa and Middle East.

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