
China-based telecom major Huawei’s Global Connectivity Findings (GCI) revealed that African nations are accelerating growth by investing in ICT capabilities

Among 25 developing and emerging countries surveyed, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa were most promising, the report said. In particular, Kenya and Egypt showed the highest growth momentum for the duration of the study for Africa.

According to Huawei, centralised planning can help achieve potential connectivity and ICT capabilities will support positive growth of national economies.

William Xu, chief strategy and marketing officer for Huawei, stated that the company would be placing a major focus on its Pipe Strategy. Xu said, “Today, our products and solutions enable close communication for a third of the world’s population. The global expertise we have enables us to challenge how connectivity can be developed in a scientific, comprehensive and objective manner.”

The company’s research included enterprises from developed and emerging countries, providing data across ten industries including finance, manufacturing, education, transportation and logistics. ICT, the report said, was a key driver of economic progress. 65 per cent of enterprises plan to increase their ICT investment over the next two years.

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