
Beentouch have released an app which is specifically designed to enhance distance video communications, even in bad network areas, which could benefit the African continent immensly

The launch of the Beentouch Android app this month is one that could be a game changer for many across the African continent. The app aims to deliver high quality calls and video calls within any network condition, which can be used, as Beentouch say, in any part of the world. 

The Beentouch team state on their website: "We wanted to reduce distances both physical and technological. The world is small but still not enough." In order to do this, the Beentouch app is designed to be used with poor network conditions, and its video call feature can even be used in areas with only 2G network capabilities. 

In addition, Beentouch has the lowest data consumption rate. This gives the user two major benefits. The first is that it will cost the consumer less if their data rate is capped. The second is that a low consumption rate means that if traffic is busy on the users network, the signal should not be interrupted as much as if the app used more data. Another minor benefit is that it will conserve battery life for the users phone. 

Beentouch also mention security as part of their benefits, as the app uses the latest in cutting-edge security systems. This means that users can speak in confidence. It also could give potential benefits to small and medium sized businesses to speak to contacts and business people in confidence. 

To summarise in tweet form, Beentouch say "#Beentouch is the app that provides #highquality #calls and #videocalls even with bad #internet networks. Enhanced with #EmotionConnect."

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