
Customers of Bank of Africa (BOA) and Orange in Madagascar can now transfer money between the two accounts through their mobile phones

The new service, which has been designed for both individuals and professionals, will be extended to Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, Niger and the DR Congo in the coming months.

Orange said that its customers will have the opportunity to carry out safe and real-time banking operations, to transfer money, pay for goods and services (water, electricity, education and television bills) and purchase airtime credit without going to the bank or to the shop.

The large network of licensed Orange Money distributors will supplement the network of 450 BOA branches, offering a maximum number of cash withdrawal points to the customers of the two companies.

Marc Rennard, senior executive vice-president, Africa, the Middle-East and Asia at Orange, said, “The partnership between Orange and Bank of Africa illustrates Orange’s ambition to offer its customers high-quality services that are both easily accessible and easy to use. Our respective businesses complement each other making it easier for customers to manage their money using their mobile, wherever they are in the country and at any time of the day.”

Alfa Barry, deputy director in-charge of marketing for Bank of Africa Group, said, “The partnership with Orange Money enhances our range of services enabling us to increase customer proximity while offering high-quality, simple and useful services. This new service is also a ideal solution that meets our customers’ desire to carry out financial transactions any time and wherever they are.”

The launch of the new service marked the first step in a range of innovative financial services that will be developed by the two companies.

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