
Dimension Data Subsidiary Plessey is executing a 15-year, R20mn contract to install and maintain 11 regeneration sites on Dark Fibre Africa’s fibre cable linking Empangeni on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast and Pretoria in Gauteng

p>Dimension Data Subsidiary Plessey is executing a 15-year, R20mn contract to install and maintain 11 regeneration sites on Dark Fibre Africa’s fibre cable linking Empangeni on the KwaZulu-Natal north coast and Pretoria in Gauteng

Plessey chief operating officer Howard Earley says the sites will house equipment that will pick up any data on the fibre and rebroadcast it using a booster to make sure that data degradation doesn’t occur - and says, “The fibre is more than 400km long - if you just pump data down the line, you will get a garbled mess out the other end, but the regeneration sites will basically boost the data so what you put in, you get out at the end.”


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