
The service was initially developed for businesses in Nigeria trying to reach and service low income segments of the market

Whilst the fierce battle continues to brew between mobile operators and voice service providers over the cost of toll-free calls, Euphoria Telecom has introduced a toll-free system that enables free calls from all cellphone numbers. 

New Government regulation looks to make 0800 numbers free of charge for the caller, regardless of the network being used, but high interconnect rates being proposed by some networks could result in businesses cancelling their toll-free service to the detriment of the customer.

Euphoria is the only agnostic toll-free solution in Nigeria, it offers a call-back feature for businesses offering toll-free calling. When a person calls a toll-free number from any mobile operator or service provider, the call is terminated and the company does a call-back.

The system enables the company offering the toll-free service to control the call-back, whether it’s international or local operators like Telkom, MTN, Vodacom or Cell C.

Euphoria Telecom CEO George Golding stated it is unacceptable in today's age that mobile operators charge clients normal rates for phoning 0800 toll-free numbers. "With Euphoria, the business offering the toll-free service is essentially calling the customer back with zero cost to the customer.”

“This way, the customer can be on any network. Businesses offering the toll-free service also have the option of managing and controlling all incoming calls, whether they are local or international. They can also limit calls from specific countries or operators," he concluded.

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