
Millions of Africans can now access Facebook on their SMS-enabled handsets, without the need for an Internet connection.

p>Millions of Africans can now access Facebook on their SMS-enabled handsets, without the need for an Internet connection.

ForgetMeNot Africa has incorporated the world's biggest social networking site into its unique Message Optimiser technology.  The system uniquely converts Facebook actions and Facebook chat messages, as well as emails and online chat messages, into SMS format, and vice versa.

As many as 45mn people across the continent will be able to access Facebook Chat, update their profiles, 'like' their friends' statuses and comment on threads, as well as exchanging email and online chat messages, from one platform, without needing an Internet connection, smartphones, device upgrades or product downloads. 

These services would otherwise be unavailable to many African people due to a severe lack of internet connectivity on the continent. 

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