
Following the appointment of Subah Telecom to eliminate SIM Box Fraud and improve call monitoring and revenue assurance, ARPT, the regulator in Guinea, has reported that more than five million additional voice calls are now being recorded every month

This is generating an extra US$1.5mn in revenue every month for Guinea’s operators with US$300,000mn in extra taxes for the government.

Subah Telecom’s Fraudulent SIM Box solution was developed to solve similar problems in the networks of its home country Ghana. Unlike other products on the market, Subah can detect and block fraudulent SIM numbers as well as locate and eliminate the physical SIM box itself.

Subah’s Fraudulent SIM Box Solution can also be combined with a comprehensive call monitoring system to ensure that all domestic and international calls are recorded and billed – which again results in additional taxes for the government.

The entire project was a Public/Private initiative with shared revenue and Subah incurring the set-up costs. Now this business model is proven, Subah is working with regulators across Africa to rollout similar systems.

In August 2016 Subah Telecom’s SIM Box Fraud system was named the ‘Best Telecom Traffic Monitoring Solution’ at The Third Annual Africa Telecoms Fraud, Revenue Assurance & Risk Management Forum. Subah Telecom is part of The Subah Group which is headquartered in Ghana.

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