
Earlier this year Orange Money Botswana and EcoCash launched a new partnership to enable better and more affordable access to digital money transfers between Zimbabwe and Botswana

The new service offers more than 600,000 Orange Money subscribers a unique payments experience enabling quick, simple and more affordable money transfers between digital wallets. 

Dr. Patrick Benon, CEO of Orange Botswana said: “As part of our broader financial inclusion and diversification strategy, Orange Money seeks to expand its services to offer a cheaper, secure and more convenient International Money Transfer payment infrastructure from Botswana to the whole Southern Africa region and beyond”.

"To kick start this strategy, Orange Money has partnered with EcoCash Zimbabwe to launch International Money Transfer to Zimbabwe. This service will enable better and more affordable access to digital money transfers between Zimbabwe and Botswana. The partnership is aligned to our innovation efforts aimed at offering our customers more cost-effective solutions to facilitate both cross-border and domestic money transfers.” said Dr. Benon.

Dr. Benon also noted that since the introduction of the service the company has realised a steady growth in the number of Orange Money subscribers who are of Zimbabwean origin.

Peter De Caluwe, CEO of TransferTo, said, "We are extremely delighted to be working together with Orange Money Botswana and EcoCash in Zimbabwe to help them expand their product portfolio to provide their customers with better access to real-time mobile money transfer services.”

“With this partnership, we have an amazing opportunity to help meet the growing demand for alternative digital financial solutions in Africa and offer a cheaper, secure and more convenient payment infrastructure through which digital transfers are performed”, said Mr De Caluwe.


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