
The Networks business of Motorola, Inc. recently added service quality optimisation (SQO) to its global professional services portfolio, extending a rich history in network optimisation to the next level.The Networks business of Motorola, Inc. recently added service quality optimisation (SQO) to its global professional services portfolio, extending a rich history in network optimisation to the next level.

Combining best in class service quality management (SQM) practices with network optimisation expertise, Motorola’s SQO service helps mobile operators increase existing revenue streams and identify new opportunities to enrich the subscriber experience by aggregating end user data streams, measuring performance against key quality indicators (KQI) and making adjustments to both network elements and business processes.
“Our service quality optimisation service helps operators identify applications that are essential to their customers, monitor perceived customer satisfaction and decide how to best manage the tradeoffs between network investment and subscriber experience” said Eric Pradier, vice president, services for Motorola Networks. “Motorola combines its network optimisation expertise with comprehensive data from the network to help operators enrich quality of experience (QoE). As service providers improve experiences for their subscribers, customers can often respond with improved brand loyalty. Strong brands attract new customers.”
Motorola’s SQO solution provides operators with the insight necessary to not only quickly identify and action service impacting issues that arise in the network, but also to understand actual user experiences. With this information, a plan to increase service quality levels can be reviewed and implemented, working systematically through the network dimensions and resources. Motorola collects data from a number of network and core interfaces in order to establish a comprehensive view of the subscriber experience.
The volumes of data collated by Motorola’s SQO methodology are translated into intelligence to identify service issues, prioritise resolution, and make continuous improvements to the business. It can be applied by service providers at any stage of the life cycle: from new market entrants seeking to discover if the network is provisioned and performing as expected; to operators with dominant market position seeking to protect their position through excellent QoE. The methodology can also be applied by service providers with network-sharing agreements in place to ensure resources are used fairly, and that customers are receiving the expected quality of service.
Motorola's Networks business delivers fully integrated and customisable media solutions enabling operators to provide personalised, rich media experiences to their subscribers. As a global wireless infrastructure leader, Motorola is committed to 4G with WiMAX and LTE solutions that provide a way for operators to profitably meet the ever-growing demand for mobile broadband today while giving 2G and 3G customers a future path as we continue to support their legacy networks. Motorola brings its services, fourth generation orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) platform and 25 years of wireless data systems innovation, experience and expertise to bear as operators - wireline, wireless, cable and telco - seek to evolve their networks for the future.


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