
Android OS smartphone users can’t get enough of social networking applications, yet enjoyment of them is stifled by limitations in battery life.

Tagging location to content with social network giants Twitter, Google Plus or Facebook, interacting with other online users in the vicinity, or investigating graphic icons which look like they are anchored to real world objects, are all new and exciting possibilities for smartphone owners. A very large number of novice Android users, i.e. first-time smartphone owners seduced by the recent cut-price offers, are avid adopters of such applications.

“The temptation for Android users to download and try out fun applications is high; but as anyone who has ever been on a diet would know, you don’t start calorie counting until you are overweight”, explained Mr. Alexander Clay, Product Manager of sicap. “Similarly, trouble with Androids begins when battery performance starts to be impaired by application overload. The sicap Device Management agent, embedded in the Android device, helps users recognise the chocolate eclair applications and keep them under control!” Thanks to real-time CPU measurements (the main indicator of battery consumption) for each and every application installed on his Android, the averted user can choose to uninstall or prevent certain power-greedy applications from running in the background.


Deployed as a self-help feature, it confers the ability for Android users to gain control and monitor the performance of their smartphone. Operators with the sicap DM agent can also choose to prompt subscribers to adjust their settings and clean up their applications in order to improve battery performance.
“Sicap predicts a significant drop in the number of no fault found device returns because of perceived battery life problems” added Mr Clay. With reports of 30 to 40% of some Android models being returned, potential savings quickly add up to millions of euros for operators.

Alternatively, Android users can contact their operator call centre to request an over-the-air diagnosis and clean-up of their applications. The primary advantage for operators equipped with sicap’s DM agent in Androids is quick, first-call resolution for battery-related issues. Direct, over-the-air access to vital signs in the Android in order to diagnose and troubleshoot problems boosts the efficiency of each agent. Additionally, if customers request the details of their data traffic charges, the agent can explain, application by application, the transfers generated by background pinging, and if need be, can deactivate background activity on the subscriber’s behalf.

“Behind the scenes, sicap empowers Android users to help themselves” added Mr Clay. “Self-care is a central part of our DM roadmap, defined and enhanced with input from our 70 plus existing DM operator customers”. Sicap’s Device Management (DM) agent tackles the problem by monitoring application settings and providing consumption data for smartphone user self-help.



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