
Virtual Phone Line, a service of Super Technologies, Inc. and invented by CEO Rehan Allahwala, has gone mobile and is poised to assist people and organizations around the globe to share information, solve problems and create solutions and new businesses, faster and more easily than ever.

Virtual Phone Line, a service of Super Technologies, Inc. and invented by CEO Rehan Allahwala, has gone mobile and is poised to assist people and organizations around the globe to share information, solve problems and create solutions and new businesses, faster and more easily than ever.

Virtual Phone Line SMS (Short Message Service) enables anyone anywhere to sign up for service via a text message. Turn on the cell phone. Click the SMS option and enter +44 793 7900030 and the message of "vpl signup usa superman." Click send. This set of steps will sign up the owner of the cell phone for access to buying virtual phone lines (phone numbers) from any or all of 40 countries or more. Users will be able to have a local or virtual presence in areas of the world where their VIP (very important people) are.


"We know that individuals and groups have people who are crucial in their lives such as customers, vendors, colleagues, research partners, students, family, and friends who just happen to live in another city ... sometimes thousands of miles away. We serve those individuals and groups with the Virtual Phone Line service. They can choose from cities like Tokyo, Mexico City, Vienna, Singapore, Bangkok, London, NYC, and Hanoi," stated Suzanne Bowen, vice president of Super Technologies, Inc. "SMS sign up feature is just one of many texting features we have created and will continue to create. We want access to the empowerments of mobile, Internet, and IP communications to be available to everyone everywhere, and SMS is one of the most effective ways of doing it."


Virtual Phone Line SMS is the "behind the scenes" power such as SMS between those who can provide a medical, educational, business, or other type of service and the databases of information they need. Doctors and volunteers where catastrophic disasters occur are able to text, for example, to the Super Technologies' Health Management System Virtual Phone Line (phone number or also known as DID) for basic data on a person they are helping. If the System sees that access is granted by the person being assisted, it will reply with the basic data such as blood type, name, current medications, and other health information.


The HMS Virtual Phone Line SMS service is among the MobileMonday Summit 2010 Peer Awards representing Pakistan. Other winners include finalist winner Israeli firm Ringbow and also Kenya's Alex Nyika, Natalia Santos with the Youth Network from Brazil, and Uganda's Revence Kalibwani for Adjection.


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