
WipeOut Mobile, an app that secures Android and Symbian phones in case of theft or data losses, has been launched in Kenya

The app launch took place in Nairobi at an event attended by WipeOut Mobile CEO Hussein Ramji and the developers of the application.

The service has been equipped to back up contacts and SMS, erase personal data and offer data restoration through a web portal.

Ramji said the company was motivated to invest in the development of WipeOut Mobile as more than 3,000 mobile phones are stolen in the country on a daily basis.

He informed, “In the app, backup regularly takes place in the background for which it requires an Internet subscription. At nominal yearly charges, users will have the functionality to restore backed up contacts to another device.”

A statement from WipeOut claimed, “Wiping out will erase data from the phone and reset it to the state it was after purchase. This can be done by logging into a PC and sending a command to the target device. If the device lacks an Internet connection, the command will remain active for up to three months, until when the device connects to the Internet.”

Ramji added that future release of the application will add a lock feature that will make phones unusable. In addition, the application will be made available to more ecosystems, including BlackBerry, Android tablets and laptops.

The application will compete in the Kenyan market against other applications with similar functionality such as Lookout Security. It will be available on the Android store, Google Play, and the Nokia Store and will be offered on a one week free all feature trial.

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